This prompted Lost creators and producers J.J. Abrams, Damon Lindelof, Jack Bender, and Carlton Cuse to issue an apology to ...
Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about ...
There's far more to the Spoonheads than meets the eye - who are Star Trek's greatest neck-tie-wearing soldiers?
Every single one of Truth's stints as champ was sillier than a Mae Young and Mark Henry skit, but then that was the point of ...
Though we don't directly witness what happens to Marlena, we do get to see a silhouette of her grisly end, as her body ...
Back at WrestleMania 25, Mysterio came out sporting a wig, mask and gear that referenced Heath Ledger's incarnation of The ...
If the title didn't make it obvious already, the game is carnage-gallore, requiring you to kill enemies by the hundreds. And ...
Monday night, Woods defeated Rey Mysterio in singles action via rollup, but it came in a pretty underhanded way. Xavier was ...
Once again, Steven Moffat excels at sending a chill right down your spine through words and ideas, rather than blood and guts ...
Granted, Kane's title reign only lasted 24 hours before Austin regained the strap on Raw, but it did legitimise the 'Big Red ...
Few films, even horror films, end on quite as bleak a note as the one that Would You Rather plays us out on.
That wasn’t hyperbolic enough for a media all too happy to run with a story that made too much sense, even if it was complete ...