The US Air Force (USAF) retired its last Boeing KC-10 Extender air-to-air tanker on 26 September, according to a statement by the service.
The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) signed a contract with Rheinmetall on 27 September for 16 Skyranger 30 air-defence ...
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) displayed its new Wind Demon air-to-surface missile during the recently concluded Asian Defense and Security Exhibition (ADAS) ...
South Korea displayed its Hyunmoo-5 surface-to-surface ballistic missile for the first time at a parade to mark the country's Armed Forces Day on 1 October.
The tactical unmanned aircraft system (UAS) programmes in the US Army might be all over the place now, but this could change in the coming years, said senior ...
Indian company Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL) announced on 30 September that it has signed a deal with Morocco covering the local production of its 8×8 ...
The US has contracted Lockheed Martin to deliver AGM-158B-2 Joint Air-To-Surface Stand-off Missile – Extended Range (JASSM-ER) weapons to European customers.
The United States is to send Boeing GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs (SDBs) to Ukraine to better enable the country's air force to conduct standoff strikes into occupied ...
The Portuguese Navy has unveiled a new unmanned surface vehicle (USV) dubbed Trator Do Mar, at NATO's Exercise ‘REPMUS 24' (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping ...
India's Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has formed a joint venture (JV) with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to sustain missile systems designed by the Israeli firm.
Brazilian Navy helicopter carrier NAM Atlantico (A140) entered the Almirante Régis dry dock on 23 September for the ship's first maintenance docking since ...
Programme officials at Northrop Grumman have demonstrated a hybrid satellite communications (satcom) capability, which company officials claim can maintain ...