Americans who turn to online pharmacies to find cheaper versions of expensive prescription medications, especially op ...
In yet another sign that childhood vaccinations can't be taken for granted, new government data shows that a record n ...
Avoiding couches and chairs might be a good way of keeping your back pain from getting worse, new research suggests.F ...
Moms-to-be have long known about breast milk's multiple benefits. Now, a global study confirms that antibodies passed ...
A small dose of the nutritional supplement lithium asparate may not ease the fatigue and brain fog of Long COVID, a ...
Sharing a book with your baby will build her vocabulary fast, but time with screens likely won't, Norwegian researche ...
If you're a 20-something who is unattached, having good friends is a key to happiness, new research shows. "The ...
Nearly 8 in 10 Americans go through the day in a fog that interferes with their jobs, their moods and their relations ...
If  you sweat excessively, you're likely to have sensitive skin as well, with new research confirming the two go ...
Even air pollution levels considered safe by U.S. standards appear to cause differences in the brains of growing chil ...
There is a higher prevalence of mental disorders and suicidal behavior among transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) pe ...
About 6.7 million Americans older than age 20 years have heart failure, according to an updated report from the Hear ...